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Maximising On-Site Soil Reuse: Screening and Amelioration

When excavated topsoil doesn’t meet the required standards for direct transfer to another site, it can pose significant challenges for construction projects which often results in costly muck away. In these cases, although the soil may not be initially suitable for reuse, there are options to address this before resorting to muck away.

We offer soil screening and amelioration services as an alternative. These processes enable us to improve the quality of the soil, making it suitable for on-site reuse and avoiding costly disposal and importation of new materials.

Screening and Amelioration

Our soil screening process involves separating soil from debris such as rocks, plant roots, and other unwanted materials. This results in a higher-quality soil with a more consistent particle size for optimal drainage and plant growth.

We can also employ amelioration techniques. This may involve adding a range of components (e.g. sand, compost) which ultimately improves soil structure and fertility, and stabilises the soil. By bringing the soil up to British Standard, we then know it’s fit for purpose and it can be reused on-site.

Benefits of On-Site Soil Reuse

  1. Cost Savings: Reduces the need for expensive muck away and new material imports.
  2. Environmental Impact: Minimises vehicle movements, lowering CO2 emissions.
  3. Resource Efficiency: Aligns with circular economy principles, maximising the value of existing materials.
  4. Compliance: Adheres to the CL:AIRE DoW CoP, ensuring legal and environmental standards are met.

By implementing the above, we can help you achieve cost savings and sustainability targets, whilst ensuring your compliance too.

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