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Topsoil Stockpiles: Best Practice

Our approach to topsoil stockpiling is designed to maintain soil quality and ensure optimal environmental and economic outcomes for our projects. Here’s how we manage topsoil stockpiles:

Stockpile Dimensions and Location

  • We limit stockpile height to 4 metres to preserve soil structure and protect beneficial microorganisms
  • We consider the natural angle of repose (up to 40°) and maintain a maximum 25° slope for grass-seeded stockpiles
  • Our stockpiles are positioned at least 20 metres from water bodies and away from tree root zones, drainage systems, and future excavations

Protection and Erosion Control

  • We secure stockpile areas with fencing to prevent disturbance
  • After forming stockpiles, we lightly compact the surface using tracked machines to reduce rainwater ingress
  • For long-term storage, we establish vegetation cover to prevent erosion

Soil Handling Protocols

  • We handle soil in the driest conditions possible to minimise compaction
  • Our teams use tracked equipment and restrict traffic to designated routes
  • We prohibit driving directly on stockpiles to preserve soil structure

Management Strategies

  • We aim to minimise storage duration to maintain soil quality
  • For stockpiles exceeding 6 months, we seed with vegetation to prevent erosion and maintain biological activity
  • We clearly separate and identify different soil types to prevent mixing of topsoil and subsoil

Soil Testing and Compliance

  • We follow CL:AIRE (DoW CoP) guidelines for proper soil management
  • By adhering to these practices, we ensure that our topsoil retains its beneficial properties for successful reuse. Our approach not only complies with industry standards but also aligns with our commitment to sustainability and circular economy principles in construction.

Do you want to know more about our soil testing process?

Find out more here

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